Thursday, March 19, 2009


Because of the western intervention in the world our story takes place, is it the west's obligation to try and help make peace here?


  1. I think that the west should not get involved. It is not our obligation to help them. I believe that we should give some aid maybe, but not anything more then the aid of food and money. But the west always seem to get into things they really shouldn't. I have a couple examples but you can gprobably guess what they are.

  2. I don't think the west should get involved at all. If they did, I believe it'd just make everything so much worse. African culture is intertwined with many tribes, and they're different cultures. Europe already intervened enough, and made the borderlines that divided tribes, and put enemy tribes next to each other. In reality, the United States can't do much about tribal conflicts and cultural differences, and it's really non of their business, unless it becomes something that is violating human rights. At that point, it should be the UN that interferes.

  3. Well I agree the West should not interfere. Yet the west is part of the reason that many of these countries are in the state that they are in. When the European powers split up Africa amongst themselves, they divided many tribes and put enemy tribes together. Many of these borders still exist.

  4. Comment on Kiras. Yes i agree that the states shouldn't interfere, but then when you think about it, it is kind of too late. Once the US gets into affairs out of the country, they usually mess something up... But yes, they should come in if it is for human rights.

  5. comment on JN's. I also agree with JN's point that the west had made many problems. Maybe some of this might not have happened if they hadn't interferred. This is even happening nowadays compared to when Europe split up Africa back in the early 1900's late 1800's.

  6. Comment on Andre. Yea so now maybe the European powers who still have some authority in Africa, should sit down with the African leaders, and have another Conference, like in Berlin.

  7. Comment in Kira. Well the UN should probably come in at some point, because they were the ones that split up the African tribes.

  8. comment on JN. I don't think that would work. Imagine this: UN and Africa, both have different mindsets on what is right. UN angers Africa and war occurs. Then we are killing what we were trying to save. That's what I think would happen.

  9. comment on JN/Kira. Even though they split up the african tribes doesn't mean they should intervene. The UN may seem like the almighty group of the world, but in reality, it is just a reular alliance with more privilages.

  10. Comment on Andre. Sorry I worded that last one wrong looking back at it. What I mean is that today we have a pretty good idea at what the tribal borders look like. What if the UN invited Tribal Leaders, and redrew the African Borders? Even if that Didn't work out, at least they could try to separate tribes from each other.

  11. I think that there really isn't any way to fix this issue, until the tribes want to fix it. It doesn't seem like the tribes are very concerned about the war, because if they were, they would have taken action a long time. It seems as if they enjoy the constant fight for power, even if it's a brutal conflict, and it's hurting their populations. The UN doesn't know much about the tribes, and their unusual customs, so they can't really be the peace makers in this situation. The tribes have such different ways of life, that it's impossible to satisfy all the different tribes' needs.
